A card index, as a Rolodex, once used to organize and access cards containing the information of personal or business contacts. Depicted as a black or gray rotating device with a contact card displayed, including a graphic and text.
Occasionally used to represent contact details/information and business cards. Thanks to its appearance, this emoji is sometimes mistaken for such things as documents or word processing.
Apple’s design features a picture of its ? Woman, identified as Jane Appleseed (previously John Appleseed) with the following contact details as an easter egg:
appleseed@me.com 125 Main St. City Name, CA 95014 Work: (408) 123-4567 Home: (400) 765-4321
95014 is the zip code (postcode) for Apple’s corporate headquarters in Cupertino, California.
JoyPixels features its ?⚕️ Woman Health Care Worker. WhatsApp's design also shows the picture of a woman.
Card Index was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.
? Card index