?April Fool's Day Emojis

April Fools’ Day is a holiday dedicated to jokes and ? Humor. It is celebrated annually on ? April 1st.It is believed that this holiday originates from the cult of the god of laughter from Ancient Rome. It was customary to arrange celebrations in April in honor of him.

Over time this holiday has spread widely throughout the world. For example, in 1509, a poet from ?? France in his work used the casual expression “April ? Fish” which means “April Fools’ joke”. And in 1539, a nobleman from Flanders became famous thanks to his practical joke. On the first day of April, he gave false orders to his subjects.

There is also a version that this holiday appeared in connection with the adoption of the Gregorian ? Calendar in 1582. Until that time, ? New Year was celebrated at the end of ? March. And after the adoption they start to celebrate it in winter, as we do now. Therefore, those people who celebrated the beginning of New Year by old style, from March 25 to April 1, were usually presented with “stupid ? Gifts” and called “April Fools”.

But specifically, the expression “Fools Holy Day” was first mentioned by John Aubrey in 1686. 10 years later, Londoners were playing people with the main then-popular joke “The Annual Ceremony of Washing the ? Lions” at the Tower of London. Then several Londoners invited the townspeople to the royal zoo for the washing of the lions. The joke was that there were no lions in the zoo.


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April Fool’s Day ???! Look at your back! ??⚪ ? April Fool's Day is past and gone, ?‍♂️ You're the fool and I am none. ? Mischief managed! ? ??❗ - No jokes! ?1️⃣?? - April Fool's Day ??? - Hoax ??? - Stupid jokes