? World Day of Architecture Emojis

World Architecture Day is a holiday for architects, engineers, builders, heads of design bureaus, etc. Also, this day is considered a holiday by students, graduate students, and teachers of specialized educational institutions, their graduates, and simply architecture lovers. It has been celebrated annually on the first Monday in October since 1996. 

The World Architecture Day collection is suitable for architects, designers,?‍?Artists, tourists, and more. 

Use the combination of ? Building Construction and ⏱ Stopwatch and?Office Building to tell your friends how fast the construction of skyscrapers is going now. Or discuss some incredible structures that have been built in the past, such as palaces,?Castles, and?Temples. 

And?‍?Architecture students and?‍?Design students can discuss their graduation projects. 

Admire the monuments and historic buildings of your city. Tell your friends about the incredible wonders of architecture after your✈️Trip. Share your impressions in chats, upload photos on Facebook and Instagram using emojis from the “World Architecture Day” collection.


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Examples of using

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? I dream of seeing the Statue of Liberty ? Which one to choose ? or ?? ⚠️ Caution! Construction ? is in progress ? ????-Construction work ???-Cottage village ??✏️??‍?-Thesis ??✏️?-Design of buildings ??❌?-Long-term construction ?⛲??-Admire buildings ??⛲??-Visiting excursions ???‍♂️??‍♀️-Construction team ?⛪⛲-Medieval architecture ???‍??-Painting of buildings