Emoji Rank Update At 2021

Rank Emoji Emoji name keywords
705 ? kangaroo Australia , joey , jump , kangaroo , marsupial
706 ? coconut coconut , palm , piña colada
707 ? person taking bath bath , bathtub , person taking bath
708 ?️ motorcycle motorcycle , racing
709 ?️ framed picture art , frame , framed picture , museum , painting , picture
710 ? calendar calendar , date
711 ? prayer beads beads , clothing , necklace , prayer , religion
712 ? twelve o’clock 00 , 12 , 12:00 , clock , o’clock , twelve
713 ▪️ black small square black small square , geometric , square
714 ? new moon dark , moon , new moon
715 ? articulated lorry articulated lorry , lorry , semi , truck
716 ? basket basket , farming , laundry , picnic
717 ?️ racing car car , racing
718 ? satellite antenna antenna , dish , satellite
719 ? mouse face face , mouse
720 ? Statue of Liberty liberty , statue , Statue of Liberty
721 ? FREE button FREE , FREE button
722 ? tennis ball , racquet , tennis
723 ?? flag: France flag
724 ? volleyball ball , game , volleyball
725 ? backpack backpack , bag , rucksack , satchel , school
726 ? VS button versus,VS,VS button
727 ? volcano eruption , mountain , volcano
728 ? chart decreasing chart , chart decreasing , down , graph , trend
729 ?‍❤️‍? couple with heart: woman, man couple , couple with heart , love , man , woman
730 ? ice hockey game , hockey , ice , puck , stick
731 ?️ snow-capped mountain cold , mountain , snow , snow-capped mountain
732 ? one o’clock 00 , 1 , 1:00 , clock , o’clock , one
733 ? llama alpaca , guanaco , llama , vicuña , wool
734 ? mage mage , sorcerer , sorceress , witch , wizard
735 ? mosquito disease , fever , malaria , mosquito , pest , virus
736 ? joker card , game , joker , wildcard
737 ? ship boat , passenger , ship
738 ? person frowning frown , gesture , person frowning
739 ? closed book book , closed
740 ? men holding hands couple , Gemini , holding hands , man , men , men holding hands , twins , zodiac
741 ? leopard leopard
742 ? ON! arrow arrow , mark , ON , ON!
743 white exclamation mark ! , exclamation , mark , outlined , punctuation , white exclamation mark
744 ? woman’s hat clothing , hat , woman , woman’s hat
745 ? camel camel , dromedary , hump
746 ? dumpling dumpling , empanada , gyōza , jiaozi , pierogi , potsticker
747 ⚖️ balance scale balance , justice , Libra , scale , zodiac
748 ? soap bar , bathing , cleaning , lather , soap , soapdish
749 ? sake bar , beverage , bottle , cup , drink , sake
750 ?? flag: Colombia flag
751 ↗️ up-right arrow arrow , direction , intercardinal , northeast , up-right arrow
752 ? circus tent circus , tent
753 ? necktie clothing , necktie , tie
754 ?? flag: China flag
756 ? paperclip paperclip
757 ? peacock bird , ostentatious , peacock , peahen , proud
758 ? roasted sweet potato potato , roasted , sweet
759 ? pretzel pretzel , twisted , convoluted
760 ⚜️ fleur-de-lis fleur-de-lis
761 ? custard custard , dessert , pudding , sweet
762 ?️ reminder ribbon celebration , reminder , ribbon
763 ? love hotel hotel , love
764 ? water buffalo buffalo , water
765 ? dim button brightness , dim , dim button , low
766 ?? flag: Spain flag
767 ? castle castle , European
769 ? open mailbox with raised flag mail , mailbox , open , open mailbox with raised flag , postbox
770 plus + , math , plus , sign
771 ?️ paintbrush paintbrush , painting
772 ?️ shield shield , weapon
773 ?‍❤️‍?‍? kiss: woman, woman couple , kiss , woman
774 ? name badge badge , name
775 ? ram Aries , male , ram , sheep , zodiac
776 ? trumpet instrument , music , trumpet
777 ? mosque islam , mosque , Muslim , religion
778 ? whale whale
779 ? martial arts uniform judo , karate , martial arts , martial arts uniform , taekwondo , uniform
780 ? dragon face dragon , face , fairy tale
781 cross mark button × , cross mark button , mark , square , x
782 ? ticket admission , ticket
783 ? incoming envelope e-mail , email , envelope , incoming , letter , receive
784 church Christian , church , cross , religion
785 ? giraffe giraffe , spots
786 ? ferris wheel amusement park , ferris , wheel
787 ? brick brick , bricks , clay , mortar , wall
788 ? saxophone instrument , music , sax , saxophone
789 ? ambulance ambulance , vehicle
790 ?️ desert island desert , island
791 ? police car car , patrol , police
792 ? railway car car , electric , railway , train , tram , trolleybus
793 ? horse racing horse , jockey , racehorse , racing
794 ? sunset dusk , sun , sunset
795 ? person pouting gesture , person pouting , pouting
796 ? bus bus , vehicle
797 ? euro banknote banknote , bill , currency , euro , money , note
798 ? tractor tractor , vehicle
799 ? chestnut chestnut , plant
800 ? curry rice curry , rice
801 ? yen banknote banknote , bill , currency , money , note , yen
802 ? purse clothing , coin , purse
803 ? older person adult , gender-neutral , old , older person , unspecified gender
804 ? hiking boot backpacking , boot , camping , hiking
805 ? two-hump camel bactrian , camel , hump , two-hump camel
806 ? chopsticks chopsticks , hashi , jeotgarak , kuaizi