? Remembrance Day Emojis

Remembrance Day is a day dedicated to the soldiers of ?? Great Britain and the British Commonwealth who died in the First World War. It is held annually on ? November 11 and is also called: Memorial Day, Remembrance Day, and Poppy Day.


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Examples of using

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In memory of the fallen soldiers ???? Poppy Day ?? We will not forget ? ?‍✈️⚰️? - Death while performing military service ⚔️⛔✍?? - Signing a peace treaty ?1️⃣1️⃣?? - Memorial Day This day is filled with sadness and ? sorrow ? Let's honor the memory of the dead ? soldiers ? You are in our ❤️ hearts ???? - Laying wreaths 1️⃣?? - Minute of silence ??? - Heroes honoring