Emoji Rank Update At 2021

Rank Emoji Emoji name keywords
201 ? bullseye bullseye , dart , direct hit , game , hit , target
202 ☝️ index pointing up finger , hand , index , index pointing up , point , up
203 ? beer mug bar , beer , drink , mug
204 ? pushpin pin , pushpin
205 ? camera camera , video
206 ? person bowing apology , bow , gesture , person bowing , sorry
207 ? dashing away comic , dash , dashing away , running
208 ? pizza cheese , pizza , slice
209 ? house home , house
210 ? camera with flash camera , camera with flash , flash , video
211 ? rabbit bunny , pet , rabbit
212 ? triangular flag post , triangular flag
213 ? anxious face with sweat anxious face with sweat , blue , cold , face , rushed , sweat
214 ? baby baby , young
215 ? water wave ocean , water , wave
216 ? dog dog , pet
217 ? dizzy comic , dizzy , star
218 ? face with crossed-out eyes crossed-out eyes , dead , face , face with crossed-out eyes , knocked out
219 ? microphone karaoke , mic , microphone
220 ? house with garden garden , home , house , house with garden
221 ? wilted flower flower , wilted
222 ? sneezing face face , gesundheit , sneeze , sneezing face
223 ? bottle with popping cork bar , bottle , bottle with popping cork , cork , drink , popping
224 ? shortcake cake , dessert , pastry , shortcake , slice , sweet
225 ? maple leaf falling , leaf , maple
226 ? palms up together palms up together , prayer , cupped hands
227 ⬇️ down arrow arrow , cardinal , direction , down , south
228 ? backhand index pointing up backhand , backhand index pointing up , finger , hand , point , up
229 ? hushed face face , hushed , stunned , surprised
230 raised fist clenched , fist , hand , punch , raised fist
231 ? love letter heart , letter , love , mail
232 ❄️ snowflake cold , snow , snowflake
233 ? money with wings banknote , bill , fly , money , money with wings , wings
234 ? cupcake bakery , cupcake , sweet
235 soccer ball ball , football , soccer
236 ?? flag: United States flag
237 red question mark ? , mark , punctuation , question , red question mark
238 ? man dancing dance , dancing , man
239 ⁉️ exclamation question mark ! , !? , ? , exclamation , interrobang , mark , punctuation , question
240 ? grinning cat cat , face , grinning , mouth , open , smile
241 ? droplet cold , comic , drop , droplet , sweat
242 ? bomb bomb , comic
243 ? zipper-mouth face face , mouth , zipper , zipper-mouth face
244 ? red apple apple , fruit , red
245 ? pig face face , pig
246 ? front-facing baby chick baby , bird , chick , front-facing baby chick
247 ? person tipping hand hand , help , information , person tipping hand , sassy , tipping
248 ? round pushpin pin , pushpin , round pushpin
249 ? ribbon celebration , ribbon
250 ? person gesturing NO forbidden , gesture , hand , person gesturing NO , prohibited
251 ? 1st place medal 1st place medal , first , gold , medal
252 ? full moon face bright , face , full , moon
253 ? water pistol gun , handgun , pistol , revolver , tool , water , weapon
254 ☎️ telephone phone , telephone
255 ? cat face cat , face , pet
256 ? hatching chick baby , bird , chick , hatching
257 ✝️ latin cross Christian , cross , latin cross , religion
258 ? headphone earbud , headphone
259 ? heart decoration heart , heart decoration
260 ? ogre creature , face , fairy tale , fantasy , monster , ogre , troll
261 ? ring diamond , ring
262 ? baby bottle baby , bottle , drink , milk
263 ?️ hand with fingers splayed finger , hand , hand with fingers splayed , splayed
264 ? light bulb bulb , comic , electric , idea , light
265 ? kissing cat cat , eye , face , kiss , kissing cat
266 ? tangerine fruit , orange , tangerine
267 ? fearful face face , fear , fearful , scared
268 ? chocolate bar bar , chocolate , dessert , sweet
269 ? billed cap baseball cap , billed cap
270 ? face with head-bandage bandage , face , face with head-bandage , hurt , injury
271 ☘️ shamrock plant , shamrock
272 ? prohibited entry , forbidden , no , not , prohibited
273 ? musical score music , musical score , score
274 ? bear bear , face
275 ? mobile phone with arrow arrow , cell , mobile , mobile phone with arrow , phone , receive
276 ? ghost creature , face , fairy tale , fantasy , ghost , monster
277 ?️ speaking head face , head , silhouette , speak , speaking
278 ? angry face with horns angry face with horns , demon , devil , face , fantasy , imp
279 ? fairy fairy , Oberon , Puck , Titania
280 ? taco mexican , taco
281 ? lollipop candy , dessert , lollipop , sweet
282 ? fish fish , Pisces , zodiac
283 ? frog face , frog
284 ? honeybee bee , honeybee , insect
285 ? cat cat , pet
286 ? blue circle blue , circle , geometric
287 ?️ cloud with rain cloud , cloud with rain , rain
288 ? kitchen knife cooking , hocho , kitchen knife , knife , tool , weapon
289 ? anguished face anguished , face
290 ? sunrise over mountains morning , mountain , sun , sunrise , sunrise over mountains
291 ? pouting cat cat , face , pouting
292 ✈️ airplane aeroplane , airplane
293 ? person cartwheeling cartwheel , gymnastics , person cartwheeling
294 ? mobile phone cell , mobile , phone , telephone
295 ? grapes fruit , grape , grapes
296 ? palm tree palm , tree
297 ? turtle terrapin , tortoise , turtle
298 ? night with stars night , night with stars , star
299 ? alien alien , creature , extraterrestrial , face , fantasy , ufo
300 ? banana banana , fruit